Cohors Cthulhu Fiction!

One of the larger "secret projects" I've been working on for a long time now is finally public: the upcoming Cohors Cthulhu setting for Modiphius Entertainment. I've been excited to be involved in helping with world development and narrative planning for this setting and its upcoming games, including an RPG which I think will be extremely fun. They have been releasing some of my short fiction along with some videos as teasers. You can get to those by clicking on the "Videos and Fiction" button on the link above, but I'll also include direct links to the current fiction pieces. I'll update as additional fiction becomes available.
The Broken Column — A "teaser" story featuring an ambush of Roman soldiers by Mythos beings.
Awakening — A story featuring the enigmatic immortal Hyperborean Maeren as she is roused in the Cohors era.
Allies of the Living God — This story gives us a glimpse of some of the darker powers at play in Cohors with the alliance of two of the more active Mythos cults in ancient Germania.